Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 9 Pictures

Picture 1 was taken right before I crossed the bridge into St Louis. Goodbye Illinois, hello Missouri!

Picture 2 was of the little strip of bars I went to for some grub and a couple beers. There was quite a nightlife there.

Picture 3 is a view from my hotel room.


  1. Go Jason!

    Quote from Will Smith

    "Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic? What is the point of being realistic?
    It is unrealistic to walk in a room and flick a switch and lights come on. Fortunately Edison didn’t think so.
    It is unrealistic to think you are going to bend a piece of metal and fly people over an ocean in that metal. Fortunately the Wright brothers and others didn’t believe that."

  2. Hi Jason,

    What a view from the room looking at the Capital building looks like the White House. I am sure this room was much more appealing then the motel you stayed in with the duck tape and beautiful vinyl flooring ha!

  3. Hay Jason,

    Hope you enjoyed ST.Louie.It's been over 40 years since I was there.Be safe.
    Love Papa

  4. Hey Jason,

    I've been tracking you also. I am so proud of you and wish I was with you on your journery to California. I went for a 20+-mile this weekend and climbed only 16 hills of various heights. Although these hills were not as challenging as the ones you've rode, I still got a "high" riding up and down.

    Your dog experiences brought back memories of my encounter with those yapping cannines. Mace is a good idea!

    I love the pictures you are transmitting. You've got a great camera.

    Are you packing energy bars? Kashi's are good ones because they don't increase your blood sugar quickly and then drop rapidly. They keep you in homeostatis, until you can get a nutritious meal.

    Be safe, and may the Lord bless and keep you.

    You are a WINNER & OVERACHIEVER, and I admire you.

    Much Aloha,

