Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 2 Pictures

The picture with the flag was taken in Lawrenceburg, IN. I just thought it looked pretty cool. And for those of you who don't know about Lawrenceburg, there's a big casino there which was very difficult to ride past. Haha

The picture with the little ferris wheel was taken in Aurora, IN. There was a huge parade there with marching bands, floats and everything. I definitely stopped for a bit to watch.

The one with the trees and the fence surrounding them I took because it reminded me a little too much of that M Night Shyamalan movie The Village. Haha

The one with the view... Well I just want to say I had to earn that view.


  1. yep, that was a strange movie with a bad that pic looks exactly like the

  2. How cool is that to be riding along and come upon a these pictures... Keep them coming!!!!

  3. Keep the cadence and the stories going Jason and the pictures too! Thanks as well for this vicarious gift!

  4. ((pssst... Timestamp is off on this blogs prefs, as it's actually 7:49 ))

  5. No problem Michael. Glad you're enjoying it so far. And thanks for the heads up. I'm sure I'll get around to fixing it at some point. Haha
