Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 17 and 18 Pictures

Picture 1 is of the Kansas City skyline.

2 & 4 are of a couple of fountains around town.

3 was taken right as I was getting into the heart of KC.

5 was of one of the best (if not THE best) white mochas I've ever had. It's amazing how incredible coffee can taste when done right.


  1. Nice fountain and what an outstanding photo of your coffee. Maybe that coffee shop can sponsor you. Mention their name on your blog and then at your next coffee shop stop at tell them you'll advertise their business for a free coffee or meal.

  2. Enjoyed the pictures of Kansas City...I could use that cup of coffee right now at work. Your mom had a great idea about advertising for the coffee shop. If they don't have a chain of the shops you could always find a coffee shop that did or even a restaurant. Thinking of you!!

    Love Aunt Suzie

  3. That mocha looks good, almost as good as a Peet's latte.
